Daily Digest for March 18th by mitgr81 · March 18, 2011 Posted 4 items. Buzz by Chris McGraw from Google Reader Buzz by Chris McGraw from Google Reader Buzz by Chris McGraw from Google Reader Buzz by Chris McGraw from Google Reader Shared PTR Patch 4.1: New code hints at random dungeon change. Shared CrossOver Games update adds Rift support, improves WoW. Shared Firefox 4 to be released on March 22nd, download statisticians ready their calculators. Shared Music video shot with only an iPad 2. Published Daily Digest for March 17th. Posted Buzz by Chris McGraw from MiT Gr8 1. Posted Buzz by Chris McGraw from Google Reader. Shared Use a Binder Clip to Hold Your Grocery List in Your Cart [Shopping]. Posted Buzz by Chris McGraw from Google Reader. Shared Super Mario reimagined as a first-person game, conquers the castle of our hearts (video).