Uncle Sean’s First Visit

Arden got a visitor this weekend, two actually! Uncle Sean and his Betty-girl came up to visit for the weekend. It was so great to be able to see them together, I think they were both taken at first sight. Sean’s quite a natural with babies, so gentle and soft. Arden was as well-behaved this weekend as he has ever been, it was VERY nice.

I think it helped Arden’s demeanor, as well as AJ’s sanity that she figured out how to tie a baby wrap (similar to the professional Moby (R) ones, but home-made). She spent the whole weekend amazed that she had two hands, and took advantage of the wrap to take some walks and get outside. I’m very very glad she found something that works. It’s funny, Arden falls right to sleep when he gets put in there. At most it takes a lap around the kitchen.

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