Been a long time

To everyone who has been Arden-starved, I apologize. It’s been too much fun just playing with him and watching him grow to actually sit down and write about it. Things are going very very well. He’s been getting a lot better with his gas pains or whatever had been troubling him. There are still minor flare-ups from time to time, but all-in-all he’s just the happiest little guy.

One of his favorite new discoveries is that, with a lot of help, he can stand. He props his little legs up and just grins form ear to ear. It’s so much fun to watch. He’s also been getting so very good with his hands. We’ll sit down to read a book and he’ll grab the pages, touch his favorite colors and make the fun crinkly noises. He’s got a bunch of plastic rings that he’s been enjoying picking up and holding on to them. He even chucked one “across” the room the other day.

Oh, and what a mimic we have. If you get him in the right mood he’ll coo back each phrase you send his way, like a little beak-less parrot.

He’s getting very very big too. I measured him the other day and I swear he’s gained 6 inches since birth, and it feels like 10 pounds too (A scale differential says he’s around 16 lbs now!). I won’t commit to any numbers because I’m not sure how the doc measured him and I want to be consistent.

I’ll have to get better about writing. It seems like the more often you write, the more you have to write about, and vice-versa.

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