Twitter Summary for 2008-11-26
now I’m in trouble with @arijem. Accidentally dropped my lunch-holding ware in the jgarbage. So scared! # Powered by Twitter Tools.
Where dat come from?
now I’m in trouble with @arijem. Accidentally dropped my lunch-holding ware in the jgarbage. So scared! # Powered by Twitter Tools.
What a great party. Little one really enjoyed all the company. It really made my year to see his great grands show up so jovially. # Powered by Twitter Tools.
Still in a flurry getting the house ready, but it’s close to one-year old party time! # Powered by Twitter Tools.
bombarded by annoying sound today. It’s apparently still ‘crappy cover week’ on the radio. I wish I could control the ceiling speaker. # …not to mention the hammering, drilling, pounding and otherwise making construction...
I’m stunned…speechless, absolutely amazed at what Blizzard just showed me in Wrath of the Lich King. I just finished the quest Return to Angrathar and was simply blown away by the cinematic that was...
I’m so livid right now. Secy Paulson just announced that instead of using the $700,000,000,000 $800,000,000,000 that they needed to borrow from us to make sure people would stay in their houses and to...
it’s an ice rink outside. It’s actually kinda pretty, with the buildings reflected on the ground. # Powered by Twitter Tools.
Croup sucks. Super-paranoid Daddy is nervous enough about his little man without Croup on the menu. I hate it! I’m sure Mom has a better write-up.