Daily List
Sony to stop clamshell packaging Yay! Volt or Die? Wireless Power! (Also in PC World and Engadget) 3/4 of the International Internet cables have been cut. We may have to find the New World...
It's not a blog, it's a lifestyle
Sony to stop clamshell packaging Yay! Volt or Die? Wireless Power! (Also in PC World and Engadget) 3/4 of the International Internet cables have been cut. We may have to find the New World...
http://www.engadget.com/2008/12/18/fujitsu-n7010-laptop-with-4-inch-touchscreen-caught-on-video/ <– Seems very interesting, but cludgy so far. I need to add TWIP to my podcast list. Also, get GReG its own vhost.!
Best Engadget Joke Photo yet QuickArmory – More WoW armory stuff http://futureme.org/ As if I haven’t made it clear from you knowing me…don’t use IE. Especially if you care aobut your keys. http://www.engadget.com/2008/12/17/japanese-foot-massaging-machine-pleads-innocent-to-killing-three/ Cut...
http://www.engadget.com/2008/12/16/keepin-it-real-fake-part-clxxii-wu-fit-its-wii-fit-withou/ <– Wu fit one of the best (read: worst) knockoffs I’ve seen in a long time. Google Chrome open for outside devs Portland Drivers in Snow
I wasn’t aware that the classifications ‘human’ and ‘dancer’ were mutually exclusive. Seriously, brain-up your songs! # Powered by Twitter Tools.
OS X 10.5.6 Released! WoW Mod: Viper Notify I need to watch the Heroic Thaddius video. FirePhorm firefox plugin. For those of you who have evil ISP’s. Research Phorm if you’re interested. Steve Gibson...
I updated the blog engine to 2.7, if stuff is borkt, please let me know. If all goes well here, I’m thinking about updating @arijem and @maus-tales as well.
As @arijem said, this has been a very fun weekend. Arden’s a blast to be around, and is even letting Dad have some 1-on-1 time with him every now and then. I was just...
Hunter Heroic Haul I want to be a nerd (job opp) todo: reenable noscript with no/low notifications. (you are all using firefox, right?) I’m predicting it now, BluRay will be the last way we...