Today marks the first Arden Weekly…and hopefully not the last. Anyhow, these will be short updates with your favorite firstborn son of mine as the star.
Today was Valentine’s day, and Arden was a huge help to Mama in the kitchen. She pulled our big green bench over and he showed his aptitude for climbing and standing on things as tall as his chest. He held so perfectly still and didn’t waver an inch. I was a bit concerned but Mom said he was doing this all day and hasn’t shown the least bit of carelesness. Welcome to climbing phase? (/shudder)
He’s quite the smart little guy (must get that from Dad 😉 ) and his vocabulary is already at 40 distinguishable words. Granted, it probably takes parent-ears for a few of the subtleties, but his word-fu is strong nonetheless. And here’s the list:
- Mama
- Dada (and often just ‘Dad’)
- bubble
- go
- stop
- up
- down
- help
- water
- book
- moon
- snow
- brother
- meow
- bear
- socks
- quack (iow duck)
- tweet (iow bird)
- moo (iow cow)
- hiss (iow snake)
- baa (iow sheep)
- block
- tree
- please
- nose
- blue
- hot
- brr (iow cold)
- apple
- cracker
- pretzel
- more
- water
- ball
- light
- bye
- hi
- pants
- shirt
- hat
At this rate he’ll have me beat by third grade! Keep up the great work @arijem.
Arden’s becoming quite Daddy’s-little-buddy when I’m around. It’s great to finally be wanted. 😛 He’s actually been looking for me sometimes rather than just tolerating my company. It swells my heart!
So, until next week and next Arden Pix,