Daily List

iPhone breaks free of its contract, asks for a pet monkey.

I need a pizza vending machine!

Sioux Falls gets Street viewed!

WoW: Hunter: Dual speccing clears Call Stabled Pet cooldown!  WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO  This is great news.  I was really hoping to go BM (spirit beast) / SV dual spec but was stimied since I wouldn’t be able to access my sbeast.  Now that I can unstable him when I DS, it’s happy time!

Tech: Disney tells Hulu to learn its ABC’s??

Tech: Crazy watch is crazy.

WoW: Blizz authenticator for iPhone now on ITMS.

Tech: Chevy Volt in production June 1.

Web: Really test your browser’s Javascripteyness with sunspider (my IE8)!

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