Tech: Judge in the Pirate Bay trail was biased. No matter what side of the TBP issue you fall on I’d hope you’ll admit that a copyright lobbiest might not be the best person to make a balanced legal judgement.
WoW Addons: Peggle for WoW. Thanks PopCap…I needed one more addictive hobby.
Funny: This photo of Tiger Woods and President Obama makes me giggle. Looks to me like some sort of very sweet dance.
Green: According to Time Magazine via Nutrition Diva’s podcast if we (U.S. Citizens) all gave up meat for 1 day a week, it would be the equivalent energy savings to trading in our cars for Priuses. Enter: Meatless Monday. See also Local Harvest and eat Green!
WoW Addons: Event Horizon timer / priority thinger. (vid)