- testing my Evernote accout hooking @myEN. Great idea Evernote gurus! #
- http://bit.ly/CClO1
via @addthis O.o!!!! o.O!!!!!! ZOMZ!!!! # - @lizardbeth & @rjonasson who knows if I’ll even be able to afford an iPhone. Maybe I can sell my forehead for ad space. #
- maybe BPD can sponsor me 😛 #
- @rjonasson done and….done! in reply to rjonasson #
- @rjonasson Ah yes, I remember Cinelerra need Twiter to re-think this! #
- @rjonasson CLITwitter fail….Cinelerra CV and Lumiera http://bit.ly/EvARF and http://bit.ly/utuof respectively. #
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