Monthly Archive: June 2009

2009-06-30’s Tweets 2

2009-06-30’s Tweets

sneaking suspicion that @arijem has been pulling carpet. Granted it was in a stupid, STUPID place (around terlit). # another fun url: Is it vegas tripping or vega stripping? 😀 (Former) # If...

2009-06-29’s Tweets 0

2009-06-29’s Tweets

@rjonasson Yeah…Had a Lost Catch-up mini-marathon and saw every shade of craptastic behavior from ABC's video "player" in reply to rjonasson # I've seen memorial plaques that were every kind of sad,[…] never seen...

2009-06-26’s Tweets 0

2009-06-26’s Tweets

@LayersTV_RC I'm sure you'll be hearing @scottbourne gush about @drobo….that would be my suggestion too, Drobo Pro 4 u! in reply to LayersTV_RC # @randydeluxe, @extralife I'll give you a cookie if you make...

2009-06-25’s Tweets 0

2009-06-25’s Tweets

@rjonasson a non-database tool 😛 in reply to rjonasson # @rjonasson Microsoft: "Because changing things for no good reason is what we do best." in reply to rjonasson # Server going down for a...

2009-06-24’s Tweets 0

2009-06-24’s Tweets

@ScottBourne I bet you're right. in reply to ScottBourne # VIZIO Internet App HDTVs launch later this year, for less than you might expect #dailylist # GG Microsoft…G G. Outlook 2010 to use...

2009-06-23’s Tweets 0

2009-06-23’s Tweets

@csn_al trust me, they all feel the same…especially me. in reply to csn_al # Prepping Arden Weekly – Father's Day Edition # @rjonasson it appears legit, here's discussion on how it works and...

Garden Weekly – Week 3 0

Garden Weekly – Week 3

Weeds??? WEEEDS!  DIE!!!!!!!! RAAAAAAAAAAWR!!!!  Corn is doing quite well, as is pretty much everything else, except the nicotinas…they’re making the sacrifice for everything else.  Carrots are even starting to look like carrots.  Can we...

Arden Weekly – Father’s Day Edition 0

Arden Weekly – Father’s Day Edition

Hullo one, hullo all!  Happy (naturally belated) Father’s Day to all you fathers!!  Arden was a great little buddy for me on that day, helped me run to the store for steaks and beer,...

Daily List 0

Daily List

i before e except after c or when sounded like ‘a’ as in neighbor and weigh…and and and and… End of the known universe delayed until October. SNES over USB. Firefox extensions to enhance...