- @rjonasson I've just resigned myself to being ignored constantly. At least my code loves me. in reply to rjonasson #
- @csn_al, @rjonasson This "Hum Dinger" song needs to die a very slow and very painful death. Every FLIPPIN DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!! Gaaah! #
- I still don't want to fix Cardex. This app sucks big, smelly, misshapen poo. #
- @coverville 586 it occurs to me: a capella music is a delicate balance between great and grate. Buffalo Chips Viva la Vida = great! #
- @extralife Thank you again for quick fire questions. Now all my coworkers think I'm very strange. 😀 #
- @extralife it just came out, 12:00 ish central from the buzz I've seen. Nerf work! in reply to extralife #
- @extralife one of the text editor options on my desktop version of Evernote was a to-do checkbox. Does that suit you? in reply to extralife #
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