Arden Weekly – Father’s Day Edition
Hullo one, hullo all! Happy (naturally belated) Father’s Day to all you fathers!! Arden was a great little buddy for me on that day, helped me run to the store for steaks and beer,...
Where dat come from?
Hullo one, hullo all! Happy (naturally belated) Father’s Day to all you fathers!! Arden was a great little buddy for me on that day, helped me run to the store for steaks and beer,...
i before e except after c or when sounded like ‘a’ as in neighbor and weigh…and and and and… End of the known universe delayed until October. SNES over USB. Firefox extensions to enhance...
@extralife not positive, but it looks to be renewed. Just got a couple episodes on my Hulu Q in reply to extralife # @rjonasson Gee, thirsty?? Bwa ha haaaa in reply to rjonasson #...