Daily Archive: June 22, 2009

Arden Weekly – Father’s Day Edition 0

Arden Weekly – Father’s Day Edition

Hullo one, hullo all!  Happy (naturally belated) Father’s Day to all you fathers!!  Arden was a great little buddy for me on that day, helped me run to the store for steaks and beer,...

Daily List 0

Daily List

i before e except after c or when sounded like ‘a’ as in neighbor and weigh…and and and and… End of the known universe delayed until October. SNES over USB. Firefox extensions to enhance...

2009-06-22’s Tweets 0

2009-06-22’s Tweets

@extralife not positive, but it looks to be renewed. Just got a couple episodes on my Hulu Q in reply to extralife # @rjonasson Gee, thirsty?? Bwa ha haaaa in reply to rjonasson #...