- RT @datasync: We're looking for a Software Engineer. Join our team! http://bit.ly/5bpTF in reply to datasync #
- @alexlindsay Congratz! Best wishes to you, baby and Mom. in reply to alexlindsay #
- @alexlindsay Props to Mom for a natural birth! Glad she chose (hope I'm reading correctly) to embrace the full experience. in reply to alexlindsay #
- Happy Birthday, Patrick Stewart…! (via @levarburton) #
- Speed up the WordPress blog – http://bit.ly/MVaHm (via @davidvanvickle) #dailylist #
- Easy visualization with Daisy Disk http://bit.ly/FwniU #dailylist #
- Slashdot IT Story | Gaze-Tracking Software Protects Computer Privacy http://bit.ly/7mkeI #dailylist #
- RT @Lizardbeth: This is a pretty epic shirt: http://tinyurl.com/7plo47 #dailylist in reply to Lizardbeth #
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