Monthly Archive: July 2009

2009-07-09’s Tweets 0

2009-07-09’s Tweets

Updated DTP of month post, if you grabbed it that quickly, redownload. # First Google Chrome OS screenshots leaked? #dailylist # Office 2010: The Movie trailer is woefully unrealistic #dailylist # Powered...

Arden Weekly – Firecracker Edition 1

Arden Weekly – Firecracker Edition

Parts of body, butt, elbow, knee…etc driving Arden has been even more fun this week than he was last.  The weather has been nice enough for us to get outside and be silly some,...

2009-07-08’s Tweets 0

2009-07-08’s Tweets

Slashdot Games Story | Experimental Video Game Evolves Its Own Content #dailylist # CleanMPG, – What is hypermiling An authoritative source on fuel economy and hypermiling #dailylist # Slashdot News Story |...

2009-07-07’s Tweets 0

2009-07-07’s Tweets

Great…Proxy now blocks my personal webosphere, breaks to now suck even more. Old School FTW! # …did I say FTW, I meant FTL…very very FTL! # New algorithm guesses SSNs using date and place...

2009-07-06’s Tweets 0

2009-07-06’s Tweets

:'( Is it too late to go back and start last friday again? I miss my weekend with sonnyboy. # Electronista | DOJ starting AT&T, Verizon antitrust reviews? #dailylist # Powered by Twitter...

2009-07-04’s Tweets 0

2009-07-04’s Tweets

It's so much more fun to "that's what she said" stuff that doesn't even remotely make sense. But only among people who use it correctly. # Powered by Twitter Tools.

2009-07-02’s Tweets 0

2009-07-02’s Tweets

Writing last week's Arden Weekly…finally. 😛 # Server will be right back, allocating the VM a bit more pie. # It's back! Consume Arden Weekly! # @acedtect Theory I've heard floating is it'll...

Garden Weekly – Week 4 0

Garden Weekly – Week 4

AJ had to replant our sunflowers…they were eaten by either dirty-bum birds or stupid-bum rabbits.  We hateses them, precious….only when they’re in our garden.