- Still no baby….time is running short for my 9-9-09 hopes. #
- RT @SiouxFallsNews: Daktronics cuts 25 jobs – Sioux Falls Argus Leader: http://bit.ly/riJiv in reply to SiouxFallsNews #
- Sure glad I'm paying for cable internet… http://twitpic.com/h5lht #
- @rjonasson That's what I'm "supposed" to get….apparently it's hard to provide the services you're getting paid for. >.> in reply to rjonasson #
- @rjonasson in this time zone 😛 in reply to rjonasson #
- Geek meter: 10/10 — Free, online tool lets you diagram your lighting setups: http://bit.ly/13cDxW (via @strobist) #
- RT @Sarge02: Not sure if anyone is interested, but Fileplanet has open beta keys for #Aion http://bit.ly/10qkML in reply to Sarge02 #
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