2009-11-07’s Tweets
Ahhh…port and Bob the Builder. It's great being a Dad # Powered by Twitter Tools
So easy even your pants can do it
Ahhh…port and Bob the Builder. It's great being a Dad # Powered by Twitter Tools
@Coverville I'm so sorry to hear that. best of luck! in reply to Coverville # Powered by Twitter Tools
Extreme Coupon Clipping pays off big…if you have the time to be crazy. There’s something big happening in the world of internet rights. There’s a “secret” coalition putting together some international laws to do...
RT @Weezer: Raditude is literally minutes away – Weezer-lanche of digital goodies: … http://bit.ly/2cHsSL from =w= Myspace. # Hooray for having a 2-year old trick-or-treater in the house. He's cute enough to get phat...
Swap Char Models in WoW. BootCamp your Windows 7. Wave open for federation? PrintWarcraft Looks like more gift ideas are just rolling in. 😀