Daily Digest for December 20th

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Heh. Lady behind me in the cafeteria ordered the "baked peeny" [mitgr81]
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RT @photonstorm: A stunning HTML5 version of Bejeweled (if you were in any doubt about how capable html5 is, check this out!) http://t.c … [mitgr81]
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RT @mattschuler: ☑ Kim Jong Il
☑ Khaddafi
☑ Osama Bin Laden
☑ Saddam Hussein
☐ Internet Explorer [mitgr81]
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RT @kweenie: Portal and Portal 2 are $8.74 together on Steam today. Um, once again, get on that. [mitgr81]
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Intellectual beer dot com http://t.co/1U3X6QDp [mitgr81]
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Still amazed that problems sending email from linux can be solved simply by turning sendmail off and postfix on. [mitgr81]
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