Monthly Archive: May 2012

Daily Digest for May 15th 0

Daily Digest for May 15th

RT @ginatrapani: Deeply enjoyed @Oatmeal‘s epic ode to Nikola Tesla [mitgr81] RT @LoveQuicksilver: A sad day for Perian OS X I’ve shared my suggestions with @The_Tick on making the code open s...

Daily Digest for May 12th 0

Daily Digest for May 12th

RT @mattmight: In PHP and JavaScript, "==" is pronounced "probably equals." [mitgr81] Rich Corinthian Leather [mitgr81] RT @Rob_Pardo: worst description of Diablo 3 ever [mitgr81] RT @bashsultani: @Diablo @BlizzardCS Art With Salt –...

Daily Digest for May 11th 0

Daily Digest for May 11th

RIP @dellintosh and @dandirks. They’re dead to me after not even asking if we should do the LodgeNet MQ listener in python. [mitgr81] RT @NotPatrick: What If The Male Avengers Posed Like The Female...

Daily Digest for May 9th 0

Daily Digest for May 9th

RT @GetCarbonBlack: You want to know what’s coming in Cb 2.2. Yes you do. Our next demo is on Wednesday #dfir [mitgr81] RT @acardwell: RIP Maurice Sendak – I love this quote so...

Daily Digest for May 5th 0

Daily Digest for May 5th

The local grocery store always seems really annoyed when I buy their overpriced groceries. #itsliketheyknowtheyretheonlygameintown [mitgr81] So excited. My wife is going to read about the Red Wedding soon. Been dying to talk to...

Daily Digest for May 4th 0

Daily Digest for May 4th

RT @tubefilter: It’s official! @Revision3 acquired by @Discovery Channel! – [mitgr81] I am eating delicious brownies at LodgeNet. Mmmmmmmm. Thanks thatcher! [mitgr81]

Daily Digest for May 2nd 0

Daily Digest for May 2nd

RT @jwz: Hulu to require Cable TV subscription. Bwaaahahahhaha! *snerk* Bwhaaaaaa! Hulu, which attracted 31 million unique… http://t.c … [mitgr81]