2009-01-07’s Tweets
I wasn’t necessarily impressed with the Apple Keynote. I’d have loved for the Steve to be the “One more thing”..even if he just said ‘hi’ # Powered by Twitter Tools.
Another cheesy tagline
I wasn’t necessarily impressed with the Apple Keynote. I’d have loved for the Steve to be the “One more thing”..even if he just said ‘hi’ # Powered by Twitter Tools.
Boxee drobo hazel – MBW AppleOptionControl8 😀 iPhoto 09 Geotagging supporting devices. Going to have to play with HDR some time. (and probably transition out of iPhoto library lockdown) Truth in Advertising Imaging. 😀...
so far less suck in the day, even though I forgot to finish getting dressed and walked out the door in an undershirt. Yay for jacket @ work # Powered by Twitter Tools.
Skype 2.8 with Boingo and Screen sharing I knew it! The milky Way is heavier and faster than thought. Stream of the Final Apple Keynote, presented by the Phil. (Direct link)
today sucks already. But in a very strange way. Just work suckage I guess. # Powered by Twitter Tools.
All American Rejects – Womanizer. Don’t forget about the Final Apple Macworld Keynote tomorrow! Interesting preview of the next thing in TV? Check out Nutrition Girl’s Podcast. Yubi Keys sound very cool. Especailly with...
great…they’re doing freq sweeps on the other side of the wall # Powered by Twitter Tools.
FBI’s Code Cracking Challenge 09. Drip drip drop goes the Win7 Betarz (B 7k). Poor man’s Tripod by Chris of Tips from the Top Floor. Take a piece of string twice your height, tie...