Daily List
Santa With Muscles – “He’s naughty, He’s nice, and He’s coming to save Christmas.” Sounds so bad. Too bad it’s not on netflix. Picasa Web Uploader updated WoW Mods to check out: Skillet (sp,...
Another cheesy tagline
Santa With Muscles – “He’s naughty, He’s nice, and He’s coming to save Christmas.” Sounds so bad. Too bad it’s not on netflix. Picasa Web Uploader updated WoW Mods to check out: Skillet (sp,...
Last night we were running Naxx and came up to Heigan. As some of you know he does a lava splash in certain areas, and in order to avoid certain death you need to...
ugh…headaches suck. I think gum would make it better, but I’m all out # Powered by Twitter Tools.
Each day I find a bunch of things that I feel are worth checking out. The format will be a bunch of links and it’s up to you to decide if you care. I’ll...
I recently completed a few enhancements to GReG, the online, universal gift registry site I’ve been working on. Event controllers can now delete and modify gifts associated with their events, as well as delete...
now I’m in trouble with @arijem. Accidentally dropped my lunch-holding ware in the jgarbage. So scared! # Powered by Twitter Tools.
What a great party. Little one really enjoyed all the company. It really made my year to see his great grands show up so jovially. # Powered by Twitter Tools.
Still in a flurry getting the house ready, but it’s close to one-year old party time! # Powered by Twitter Tools.
bombarded by annoying sound today. It’s apparently still ‘crappy cover week’ on the radio. I wish I could control the ceiling speaker. # …not to mention the hammering, drilling, pounding and otherwise making construction...