Author: mitgr81
Daily Digest for April 17th
Dear jar people: GAAAAAAH! STOP IT STOP IT STOP IT!!!!!!!! [mitgr81]
Daily Digest for April 11th
RT @GameOfThrones: BREAKING: #GameofThrones has been renewed for a third season. RT and spread the word to #GoTFans across the realm. [mitgr81]
Daily Digest for April 9th
Sports talk is happening. Or I assume that’s what that dull roar is. [mitgr81]
Daily Digest for April 7th
Yay bedtime yay!!! I felt like a zombie all day. [mitgr81] Weight loss update: after a 2 month stagnation at -13, I broke through and reached my first milestone! Now -16. [mitgr81] RT @KaivaxBlizzard:...
Daily Digest for April 6th
RT @wayneeseguin: "3 DBAs walk into a NoSQL bar. A little while later they walk out because they couldn’t find a table." via @marioatlp [mitgr81]
Daily Digest for April 5th
RT @datasync: DataSync is hiring! We’re looking for a full time CRM developer. Job info on our site: [mitgr81] RT @owillis: STOP UNNECESSARILY PAGINATING ARTICLES ON THE INTERNET. [mitgr81]
Daily Digest for April 4th
Still amazed at how insanely huge Grey Wind is in #GameOfThrones s2e1!!! [mitgr81] I’m pretty sure being an adult is: a) Knowing you need MUCH more aluminum foil than seems necessary b) calculating the...
Daily Digest for April 3rd
RT @GetCarbonBlack: If you are going to rely on signature based AV, why not rely on (just about) all of them? [mitgr81]
Daily Digest for April 1st
Can’t pass up a shot at TRIPLE COW POWERRRRRRRRRR [mitgr81] I loves me sum April foolsing. [mitgr81] "Happy Birthday Fool’s Day" ~ my 2-year-old [mitgr81]