Author: mitgr81

2009-11-13’s Tweets 0

2009-11-13’s Tweets

@Randydeluxe "when are the soylent green FigurePrints due out?" in reply to Randydeluxe # Still haven't heard anything about the house. Hopefully that means they're furiously putting together a huge offer, but I somehow...

2009-11-12’s Tweets 0

2009-11-12’s Tweets

Welcome to the twitters, @epitomeguild # Wahoo! Somebody wants to look at our house tomorrow. Wish us luck! # @instanceshow /dance! in reply to instanceshow # Powered by Twitter Tools

2009-11-11’s Tweets 0

2009-11-11’s Tweets

OOoooh, I got into the retweet betar! # Anyone else with a Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning 10-day trial just get an email about it now being an Endless Free Trial? # @jwow Oooooooh....

Daily List 0

Daily List

YouTube without Flash. 10 Clever Fixes. Summary of the Health “Care” bill.  Probably some bias here, but it’s at least not 2000 pages. List of Old-World changes in WoW: Cataclysm. Fun tilt-shift commercial.

2009-11-09’s Tweets 0

2009-11-09’s Tweets

Dear body, going to bed early is supposed to make you feel _more_ refreshed in the morning, not less, silly. Love, Brain # Powered by Twitter Tools

Daily List 0

Daily List

Extreme Coupon Clipping pays off big…if you have the time to be crazy. There’s something big happening in the world of internet rights.  There’s a “secret” coalition putting together some international laws to do...