Daily List
Obama wants trains? I want trains! (to be clear, I’ve wanted trains for a long time) Programming: UI Camo.
Another cheesy tagline
Obama wants trains? I want trains! (to be clear, I’ve wanted trains for a long time) Programming: UI Camo.
I’m tired of these silly snakes on my silly plane!!!! Nambu tweets for you Maccies. WoW: Talent Chic updated for 3.1, GlyphChic out.
@wowinsider battle.net auth server may be down. Spirestone went down for restart and now I can’t connect. # Powered by Twitter Tools.
It’s official, I run too doggone crooked to run on a treadmill (without ending up in the hospital with a bunch of embarrassing injuries) # Powered by Twitter Tools.
Happy Easter! Well, as expected I failed to get my post done and scheduled. I think it worked out for the best though, as I got some (imho) great shots of Arden during Easter....
Apple: Jobs still working…on a TABLET?! I might just sell a kidney for an Apple tablet. WoW, PETA: Can you spell backfire?
@Lizardbeth Gah, skip dreamweaver, go directly to the source! IOW l2vimnublawl <3 in reply to Lizardbeth # Powered by Twitter Tools.