Daily List
Gaming: x-ray images of common gaming consoles. Coding: 4 benefits of Ruby on Rails. I still have to play more with RoR, seems like a fun development experience.
So easy even your pants can do it
Gaming: x-ray images of common gaming consoles. Coding: 4 benefits of Ruby on Rails. I still have to play more with RoR, seems like a fun development experience.
A brief overview of multi-factor authentication using the Blizzard Authenticator. Please read the full article here: http://www.mitgr81.com/2009/03/04/authenticator-actionauthenticator-action/
Last night we were running Naxx and came up to Heigan. As some of you know he does a lava splash in certain areas, and in order to avoid certain death you need to...
I’m stunned…speechless, absolutely amazed at what Blizzard just showed me in Wrath of the Lich King. I just finished the quest Return to Angrathar and was simply blown away by the cinematic that was...
Wow, it’s about time. Amazon finally restarted their Wrath of the Lich King preorders for the Collector’s Edition. I had previously ordered through walmart online. The Amazon preorder will have the software at my...