Category: Daily List
Daily Digest for March 1st
Just spent entirely too much time at the lytro image galery. SO cool! [mitgr81]
Daily Digest for February 27th
RT @GetCarbonBlack: USAF: 45 days? ( How about a couple of hours? We’ve got something for you: [mitgr81]
Daily Digest for February 23rd
Woah. Adobe is dropping flash on Linux!?!?!?? #deathknell [mitgr81]
Daily Digest for February 22nd
RT @sublimehq: Sublime Text 2 Beta 2181 is out now, with a new icon, simplified settings, improved auto indent and more – … [mitgr81]
Daily Digest for February 21st
Watching young children play video games is agonizing on so many levels. [mitgr81] RT @sam_symons: This sums up the difference between Apple and Microsoft rather nicely, in my opinion. [mitgr81]
Daily Digest for February 19th
I (read: my bread machine) made this. Smells so good, won’t last long. [mitgr81] Well that was good. Making another [mitgr81] RT @scottjohnson: How To Tell HTML From HTML5 [mitgr81]
Daily Digest for February 18th
RT @wkornewald: Activate the better CSS/HTML box model where width is actual width and padding goes inward: [mitgr81] RT @LoveQuicksilver: #Quicksilver ß65 released. Changelog: Bug Fixes ready for Quicklook integration in next...
Daily Digest for February 14th
RT @GoogleCode: A fresh new look for [mitgr81] Wake work supper books sing work bed wake work supper…….. #never_grow_up [mitgr81]
Daily Digest for February 13th
Holy fingersocks. The almost 6 monther in my arms is 27.5 inches. #ourownbasketballteamhooooooooo [mitgr81]