Category: Daily List

Daily Digest for July 25th 0

Daily Digest for July 25th

Boys just named our three visiting goldfinches "pee", "poop" and "toilet" [mitgr81] RT @MMOChampion: Mists of Pandaria to be Released on September 25 #WoW [mitgr81]

Daily Digest for July 13th 0

Daily Digest for July 13th

RT @garrik01: No more excuses – Portal 2 is $5 today for the Steam summer sale. [mitgr81] RT @steam_games: STEAM SUMMER SALE ON NOW: #SteamSale [mitgr81] RT @GetCarbonBlack: ‘Ninja’ & ‘Jesus’ in the...

Daily Digest for July 9th 0

Daily Digest for July 9th

RT @HonestToddler: Lady at the park is telling everyone she has a baby in her tummy. Like eating children is something to be proud of. [mitgr81] Hrm…where can I find Silvelright [sic]? [mitgr81]...