Daily List
Self-balancing 2-wheeled table brings beer into the 39th century. Mint personal finance seems interesting.
It's not a blog, it's a lifestyle
Self-balancing 2-wheeled table brings beer into the 39th century. Mint personal finance seems interesting.
Palm Pre App for hand talkers. WordPress 2.8 is out, and snappier! Snow Leapord Automator tweaks.
UpUpDownDownLeftRightLeftRightBAStart – Pre’s developer mode. http://jobs.stackoverflow.com/default.asp?4856! Tetris too easy? Replace Random pieces with the WORST possible piece. Mac: Check out CamTwist.
Fedora 11 is out! (full install direct DL) WoW: New pet from Mountain Dew. Yay for Cross Promotions. Nokia wants wireless charger for their phones. Facebook Usernames coming soon? Lichtenberg Figures (popsci)
Mac, Snow Leopard: Coming in September for $29. (lots of other WWDC Coverage out there, Engadget has a nice live blog. See also iPhone 3Gs ($199) Yummmmmmm)
Google Chrome for Mac! (direct DL) New looks on mitgr81.com. I’m still tweaking some things, but I think I like the change. Best Buy’s Win7 literature discusses “Vista that works” Take that Vista! Well,...
Medicine: Heart to body, “You need me more than I need you.” Video: Search for Lukla airport on You Tube. Games: Sony’s take on 3D motion capture. Cool presentation format. Fat man and circuit...
If you check out the Mac PDP-8 emulator, you might like a reference page. Firefox 3.5 beta plugs Open Video Format.
Linux: Fedora 11 coming very soon! I may have to rock it out…might even upgrade my server to precompiled mods!…hmmm Motion sensing for 360. Windows Assembly IDE. (see also Mac PDP-8 Simulation)