Daily List
It's not a blog, it's a lifestyle
End of the world delayed until September. Mahalo Answers – a nice way to approach the human-powered Q&A. Mahalo is a human powered search engine that delivers intelligent results for many general queries. On...
KatMouse – a better mouswheeler for Windoze. Apple Desktops. Interesting photos and commentary on GW Bush’s terms.
Google Latitude Topaz Simplify Filter for Photoshop. JQuery Beautification. NOOOOOOOOO! June is official! Even though the only stations I care about have already flipped the proverbial switch.
Umm…no, he wanted the image on the flashdrive, not of. Definitely not of. Google Earth 5 Beta. (TUAW’s review) Adds Seafloor imagery and history view. Very neat.
Over a break I decided to implement a simple cypher that I’ve been thinking about recently. Its’ not much, and certainly not perfect in its current implementation, but it’s sort of fun to play...
Michael: oh i could be a debt collector talk about a depressiong job me: may as well…everyone already hates you would be a nice time to be a debt collector though especially on commission...
February! JUNE! FERBRUARY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ::shakes fist grumbling, “februaryyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy”:: Too many people have invested too much time and effort in getting the February transition off the ground successfully. Fact is, at some point the switch has...
Google’s AJAX API Playground released. http://www.engadget.com/2009/01/23/verizon-hub-landline-slayer-officially-unveiled/ Free IP = Piracy = No Sales? Monty Python says, no. How Zip Codes work. WoW starts the Lunar Festival tomorrow. I’m mildly excited. Thanks to Miyari at...