Category: Twitter Summaries

2009-06-05’s Tweets 0

2009-06-05’s Tweets

RAWR! Glovia and SFDC are now (finally) bowing to my almighty will!!! # @rjonasson Oh now it’s on, sweet cheeks! 😛 in reply to rjonasson # Powered by Twitter Tools.

2009-06-04’s Tweets 0

2009-06-04’s Tweets

@rjonasson yeah….the Pre’s best best is to never admit the existence of the iPhone, imho. in reply to rjonasson # @Lizardbeth any problems with other characters? I had something similar happen too, from another...

2009-06-02’s Tweets 0

2009-06-02’s Tweets

Holy smack, Bioware. You just convinced me to play the hell out of Old Republic. (via @extralife) # apparently is super easy free pron. GG microsoft # re: bingporn # Powered...

2009-06-01’s Tweets 0

2009-06-01’s Tweets

@WoWInsider Probably Mimiron, he’s a pain, but is a nice twist. in reply to WoWInsider # @rjonasson I thought there was a hulu for 360 Gold already. I’m not sure. Apple TV / Mac...

2009-05-31’s Tweets 0

2009-05-31’s Tweets

Garden is tilled, compost is mixed, new areas of the gardenmeister are leveled….and beer is open. Beer of the night: Mich Shock Top # It’s actually pretty decent, I was a bit anxious about...

2009-05-27’s Tweets 0

2009-05-27’s Tweets

Going to rEdiTweet a previous post to give another (linked) shoutout to @podiobooks They ROCK! Saved me many a muzakey afternoon. # Powered by Twitter Tools.

2009-05-26’s Tweets 0

2009-05-26’s Tweets is a lifesaver. Accidentally used up all my podcasts last week, found a great book by Jonathan Fesmire to get me through # Powered by Twitter Tools.

2009-05-26’s Tweets 0

2009-05-26’s Tweets is a lifesaver. Accidentally used up all my podcasts last week, found a great book by Jonathan Fesmire to get me through # Powered by Twitter Tools.

2009-05-22’s Tweets 0

2009-05-22’s Tweets

@extralife Short dude finds shiny thing. Nobody sees him run around for a bit, shiny thing burns. World is saved. in reply to extralife # Powered by Twitter Tools.