MiT Gr8 1

Daily List 0

Daily List

February! JUNE! FERBRUARY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ::shakes fist grumbling, “februaryyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy”:: Too many people have invested too much time and effort in getting the February transition off the ground successfully.  Fact is, at some point the switch has...

Daily List 0

Daily List

For those WoW players, the RL Patch Notes will be familiar, for the non-wowwies, it should still be amusing.  😀 Community of Veterans Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America

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Daily List

Google’s AJAX API Playground released. Free IP = Piracy = No Sales?  Monty Python says, no. How Zip Codes work. WoW starts the Lunar Festival tomorrow.  I’m mildly excited.  Thanks to Miyari at...

Daily Listwe 0

Daily Listwe

50 useful php tools. Apparently everything i/we know about CSS is wrong.  I somehow doubt that everything is wrong, but I’ll give him the benefit of the doubt.  And apparently everything he/she knows...

Daily List 0

Daily List Congratulations to President Obama.  Now let’s get to work.  😀 New White House website (with improved robot exclusion list). Obama’s Inauguration Speech (text)(video I hope). Obama’s Inaugural speech as a Wordle:

Daily List 2

Daily List

For those of us without cable access but plenty of hyperwebs, check out the Presidential Inauguration streams. Local high school next to encounter the fearsome wrath of PETA. WebDev Usability Mistakes.