Daily Digest for January 24th
RT @drupal: RT @Dries: It’s official: we’re dropping IE7 support from Drupal 8 http://t.co/EYssIPLK #win [mitgr81] RT @Boubouille_MMO: Patch 4.3.2 Going Live This Week – http://t.co/JvFm5dze [mitgr81]
It's not a blog, it's a lifestyle
RT @drupal: RT @Dries: It’s official: we’re dropping IE7 support from Drupal 8 http://t.co/EYssIPLK #win [mitgr81] RT @Boubouille_MMO: Patch 4.3.2 Going Live This Week – http://t.co/JvFm5dze [mitgr81]
Awwwwww yeah #homemade #icecream http://t.co/Uo9w788i [mitgr81] Though I suppose technically it should be called snowed cream [mitgr81] #whyilovemywife http://t.co/paJrfkNb [mitgr81]
RT @wilw: Just had this #homebrew moment: "This beer I bought isn’t very good. I’ll pour it out and drink one I made myself, instead." f … [mitgr81] “@dandirks: Overheard today: "Oh man, I...
RT @drupal: Want #drupal 8 to solve the dev -> stg -> live issue? We need your reviews at http://t.co/M7dq8CA0 [mitgr81] RT @GetCarbonBlack: Preparing your enterprise for rapid (and less expensive) IR response: http://t.co/jqCSVXC3...
RT @nicolespag: Paula Deen has type 2 diabetes. Looks like using a pound of butter in every dish isn’t so good for you http://t.co/3KDcvrjH [mitgr81] RT @mikeschramm: Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning demo out now,...
RT @alexlindsay: What big media doesn’t want to acknowledge… Content is no longer King… Community is King. They don’t like becoming … [mitgr81]
Woah. First few minutes on the 64-bit Mac WoW client are impressive. #snappier [mitgr81] As The Steve would say, "gloves!" http://t.co/LgEBkTDR [mitgr81]
RT @extralife: Dunno if that Feb 1st date is correct for Diablo III or not, but I find myself salivating violently nonetheless. [mitgr81] RT @GameOfThrones: Take a look at @BestBuy‘s exclusive #Stark and #Targaryen...
Boys have been up three times already. #goingtobealongnight [mitgr81]