Daily Digest for June 27th
“@sublimehq: Sublime Text 2.0 is out! http://t.co/ykuJexaq” congrats! Love all you’ve done! [mitgr81]
Where dat come from?
“@sublimehq: Sublime Text 2.0 is out! http://t.co/ykuJexaq” congrats! Love all you’ve done! [mitgr81]
RT @TheTrekNerd: Most kids books are so badly written. I usually make up my own words. [mitgr81]
Just had an incredibly tough parenting challenge and I kicked its ass. Feeling great. [mitgr81] "I don’t want sushi, Dad. I want Captain Crunch!" [mitgr81]
RT @acedtect: GRRM ep going up, TNT from Frogpants studio, Nerdtacular eve, today is full of win. [mitgr81]
RT @CodeWisdom: "Give someone a program, you frustrate them for a day; teach them how to program, you frustrate them for a lifetime." – … [mitgr81] RT @CodeWisdom: "Weeks of programming can save you...
RT @GetCarbonBlack: Please retweet: You can use Cb to find out precisely when and how you were infected in the first place http://t.co/C … [mitgr81]
RT @GetCarbonBlack: Please retweet: You can watch us demo how to use Cb to prepare for the inevitable http://t.co/Szr0BeKZ [mitgr81]
RT @TheTrekNerd: Microsoft: Your nonstandard IE html implementation only makes you hated by web devs. [mitgr81] RT @MichaelViscuso: How come your #antivirus cant do this http://t.co/ttehEhqP? #malware #cybersecurity #dfir #ITsecurity #infosec [mitgr81] RT @GetCarbonBlack:...
I wish I was special and didn’t have to log out of a team computer as I head out the door to Alaska. [mitgr81] Really dig the new @foursquare iOS UI. Good job! [mitgr81]