Daily List
Google Voice-ify your current voicemail. Lifehacker’s Cheap Insulative tricks. WoW Race Change available. GoogleRSS on your Mac. 1Password 3 Beta.
It's not a blog, it's a lifestyle
Google Voice-ify your current voicemail. Lifehacker’s Cheap Insulative tricks. WoW Race Change available. GoogleRSS on your Mac. 1Password 3 Beta.
RT @t3ddymac: Great out of the box small business software consolidation with Quickbooks, Zimbra, and SugarCRM. http://bit.ly/ZUqGS # Powered by Twitter Tools
Baby Genius refunds. I assume the big hullabaloo is from parents who though that TV could be a substitute for parenting? End of the world delayed 208 years. because maths are hard?
Keep your Firefox plugins up to date. WoW: Gear Score addon. WoW: Cool gear IRL. Manage your tasks.
RT @datasync: Curious to see what our customers have to say about […] DataSync? Check out our testimonials: http://bit.ly/3CFM24 # Powered by Twitter Tools
LightRoom 3 Betarz! If you’re going to use Windows it may as well be 7. If you’re going to use Windows 8 it may as well be skinned. Home-make a softbox.
80 ounces of water and I'm finally starting to shake this headache. # Powered by Twitter Tools
RT @notpatrick: [Vid] Split screen: God's scientific / Science's mystic story of the world. Very clever! http://bit.ly/3p9n1e (via @lesgeeks # World of Raids | Introducing the World of Raids Guild Recruitment Tool http://bit.ly/1bhcMx #dailylist...
It’s all my old job’s fault. I’ve let my blog slide, but I’m going to remedy this. As you may or may not know I was laid off in late July. The good news...
@extralife if a bear tweets in the woods, is it still 99% useless information? #quickfire in reply to extralife # Powered by Twitter Tools