Garden Weekly – Week 2
Lots of nice, vitalizing rain this week, but just the right amount, around here. I was a bit concerned that not much would be popping up since there hasn’t been a bunch of sun...
It's not a blog, it's a lifestyle
Lots of nice, vitalizing rain this week, but just the right amount, around here. I was a bit concerned that not much would be popping up since there hasn’t been a bunch of sun...
@rjonasson I can feel it from here. I wish they'd just de-muzak the office. in reply to rjonasson # Powered by Twitter Tools.
It’s been a fairly drippy week, so not a whole lot of updates. Arden’s continuing to amaze us with all his new words, and how quickly he’s picking them up. With the rainy weather...
Wahoo! Fixed the backend of my blag! I did something stupid, but only one in a bunch of commands…found it! # hehehehehehee…eat it other chris McGraw's! THere can be only one! mua hahahahahahaah #facebook_vanity_url...
@rjonasson If it doesn't exist in 2 places, it doesn't exist 😛 Too bad you can't have 2 cards in camera. in reply to rjonasson # Sweet…my son just counted for the first time...
Palm Pre App for hand talkers. WordPress 2.8 is out, and snappier! Snow Leapord Automator tweaks.
I know I’m late to this party, but thank you squarespace for sponsoring #twit # I know I’m late to this party, but thank you #squarespace for sponsoring #twit! # @ScottBourne there are always...
UpUpDownDownLeftRightLeftRightBAStart – Pre’s developer mode.! Tetris too easy? Replace Random pieces with the WORST possible piece. Mac: Check out CamTwist.
Futurama is coming back! (via @Randydeluxe) # @extralife looks good to me! Very snappy! Gratz on the new hardware 😀 in reply to extralife # Powered by Twitter Tools.
Fedora 11 is out! (full install direct DL) WoW: New pet from Mountain Dew. Yay for Cross Promotions. Nokia wants wireless charger for their phones. Facebook Usernames coming soon? Lichtenberg Figures (popsci)