2009-06-04’s Tweets
@rjonasson yeah….the Pre’s best best is to never admit the existence of the iPhone, imho. in reply to rjonasson # @Lizardbeth any problems with other characters? I had something similar happen too, from another...
Another cheesy tagline
@rjonasson yeah….the Pre’s best best is to never admit the existence of the iPhone, imho. in reply to rjonasson # @Lizardbeth any problems with other characters? I had something similar happen too, from another...
Medicine: Heart to body, “You need me more than I need you.” Video: Search for Lukla airport on You Tube. Games: Sony’s take on 3D motion capture. Cool presentation format. Fat man and circuit...
GAAAAAAAAAAAHH!!! HOLY CRAP! Coworker phone so loud! @csn_al knows what’s up. # Powered by Twitter Tools.
If you check out the Mac PDP-8 emulator, you might like a reference page. Firefox 3.5 beta plugs Open Video Format.
Holy smack, Bioware. You just convinced me to play the hell out of Old Republic. (via @extralife) http://bit.ly/wBR3q # apparently bing.com is super easy free pron. GG microsoft # re: bingporn http://bit.ly/FXMCw # Powered...
I’m terribly sorry that it’s been a few weeks sans Arden Weekly. It’s been crazymode around here lately. Uncle Kyle graduated, Dad’s cousin had her baby shower, we put in a garden…it’s been NUTZO! ...
Linux: Fedora 11 coming very soon! I may have to rock it out…might even upgrade my server to precompiled mods!…hmmm Motion sensing for 360. Windows Assembly IDE. (see also Mac PDP-8 Simulation)
@WoWInsider Probably Mimiron, he’s a pain, but is a nice twist. in reply to WoWInsider # @rjonasson I thought there was a hulu for 360 Gold already. I’m not sure. Apple TV / Mac...
Garden is tilled, compost is mixed, new areas of the gardenmeister are leveled….and beer is open. Beer of the night: Mich Shock Top # It’s actually pretty decent, I was a bit anxious about...
Tech: Hulu Desktop! (tuaw) Wave: I missed the link for Google Wave yesterday. (and be afraid? :D) Mac: Snow Leopard UI Tweaks.