Daily List
Sorry the daily list has been sparse or missing lately. There just hasn’t been much that has interested me in the news lately. Tech: Mercedes-Benz classy roadster. Games: Wii menu 4.0, welcome to the...
So easy even your pants can do it
Sorry the daily list has been sparse or missing lately. There just hasn’t been much that has interested me in the news lately. Tech: Mercedes-Benz classy roadster. Games: Wii menu 4.0, welcome to the...
Yes, it’s true! Mitgr81 v2.1 has been announced. No public beta should be expected, but expect the full release sometime around early September! Congrats to @arijem for a very successful first check-up, which confirmed...
Tech: The internet dies a little more today. Welcomes IE 8. TerraFuga’s flying car actually flies!?!
I know I missed my normal daily list schedule, but there really wasn’t a whole lot happening. I just wanted to let you guys know about a new Scott Bourne’s fairly new website and...
Happy St. Pat’s everyone!! WoW, Funny: Big Red Kitty is a bast to read. Take, for instance, this conversation between him and Brain. Thanks BRK, you made my afternoon! Mac: iPhone now has Copy...
Hello again! It’s nice to be back among the living and able to catch up. As you saw last week, I had been feeling pretty run down (read: over) and wasn’t able to drag...
Coding: Another JQuery list. Mac: iPhone Software 3.0 coming next week? Mac: Adium to add Twitter integration (their blog)! Web: Firefox 3.15 beta 3 is out. php: Contribute to wordpress.
Mac: Apparently the old shuffle was just too big. Tech: Brush and Rinse toothbrush to revolutionize the way you get yourself wet. Tech: RetroBright – un-yellow your classic equipment.