2009-09-19’s Tweets
Get Windows 7 for a reasonable price….if you're a student @ 741.com http://bit.ly/CsMJp #dailylist # @Sarge02 I'd love to join you and @foayasha on Aion, but my downloader seems to think 60G isn't enough...
Where dat come from?
Get Windows 7 for a reasonable price….if you're a student @ 741.com http://bit.ly/CsMJp #dailylist # @Sarge02 I'd love to join you and @foayasha on Aion, but my downloader seems to think 60G isn't enough...
iSight Screensavers: Interact with your screensaver http://bit.ly/1YNIgK #dailylist #mac # @extralife DERP in reply to extralife # Powered by Twitter Tools
@alexlindsay I'm so jealous! I've gotten mine to voluntarily go to bed exactly once. in reply to alexlindsay # AGDC09: Easy voice chat for PUGs with Puggable http://bit.ly/1URujI #dailylist # @alexlindsay somehow my pangs...
Intuit to Acquire Mint.com | Mint.com http://bit.ly/TTa05 #dailylist # @Sarge02 Wooooot! Gratz! in reply to Sarge02 # Studio Walljump: Liight http://bit.ly/PS8Ea #dailylist #wii # @Sarge02 /mourn Bambikiller. Also, WTB moar hippystick bow!! in reply...
@rjonasson only commies don't analyze the pooing habits of their dog bretheren. You're not a Commie,……are you? in reply to rjonasson # @rjonasson sleep >> appeasing my immense fanbase. 😛 in reply to rjonasson...
Wow…Facebook "lite" sucks quite a bit less than regular facebook. Almost worth using. # Looks like tonight's finally the night! Hard labor progressing nicely. Hospital time in probably 90 mins. # That's how we...
Wow…Facebook "lite" sucks quite a bit less than regular facebook. Almost worth using. # Looks like tonight's finally the night! Hard labor progressing nicely. Hospital time in probably 90 mins. # That's how we...
Still no baby….time is running short for my 9-9-09 hopes. # RT @SiouxFallsNews: Daktronics cuts 25 jobs – Sioux Falls Argus Leader: http://bit.ly/riJiv in reply to SiouxFallsNews # Sure glad I'm paying for cable...
New WoW Model Viewer available http://bit.ly/we5wM #dailylist # mitgr81.com, arijem.com and my other hosted sites will be down for a bit, installing Snow Leopard! # yay steve!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! # Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! Steve Popped a "one more...