Tagged: Mac

Daily List 0

Daily List

WordPress 2.8 Beta. Biden points at secret lair. Wolfram Alpha is out. Adium 1.4 arrives, brings another bird with it. Snow Leopard Snaps and Videos?

Daily List 0

Daily List

I’m tired of these silly snakes on my silly plane!!!! Nambu tweets for you Maccies. WoW: Talent Chic updated for 3.1, GlyphChic out.

Daily List 0

Daily List

Sorry the daily list has been sparse or missing lately.  There just hasn’t been much that has interested me in the news lately. Tech: Mercedes-Benz classy roadster. Games: Wii menu 4.0, welcome to the...

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Daily List

Happy St. Pat’s everyone!! WoW, Funny: Big Red Kitty is a bast to read.  Take, for instance, this conversation between him and Brain.  Thanks BRK, you made my afternoon! Mac: iPhone now has Copy...

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Daily List

Coding: Another JQuery list. Mac: iPhone Software 3.0 coming next week? Mac: Adium to add Twitter integration  (their blog)! Web: Firefox 3.15 beta 3 is out. php: Contribute to wordpress.

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Daily List

Mac:  Apparently the old shuffle was just too big. Tech:  Brush and Rinse toothbrush to revolutionize the way you get yourself wet. Tech: RetroBright – un-yellow your classic equipment.

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Daily List

Tech: 3D baseball cards! If you don’t watch the video you’re no longer  my friend. Mac: Touchscreen Apple? Mac: Watch Woz.  Watch Woz Dance!  Dance, Woz, Dance!

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Daily List

Tech: Instant-on OS from MSI. Tech: Mahalo Answers is now offering a M$1 tip on every question.  You can exchange your Mahalo Dollars (M$) for real cash at a 25% penalty.  Get out there...