Tagged: Mac

Daily List 0

Daily List

WoW: Ulduar Weapon Preview. Tech: Windows 7 in September?? Mac: Free apps from the great developer Omniware. Food: Free Quiznos Sub.  They’re trying to get to a million freebies.  Great timing to since our...

Daily List on Epoch time! 0

Daily List on Epoch time!

This is your second reminder…this should hit the intertubes at around 1234567890 Epoch.  http://coolepochcountdown.com/ Pathfinder – A better finder perhaps? MacBreak Dev podcast! http://www.bonzai3d.com/ \O.o/ \o.O/

Daily List 0

Daily List

Google Earth to add Seafloor Imagery. Rubick’s Sphere? Check out Stack Overflow podcast (especially you coders). 3d Moving Photos Screensaver.

Netflix + Streaming + Mac = ??? 0

Netflix + Streaming + Mac = ???

Netflix today announced that they’ll be delivering streaming content to ‘the rest of us’.  Hooray!! http://www.engadget.com/2008/10/26/netflix-finally-brings-watch-instantly-to-macs-via-silverlight/ http://www.macnn.com/articles/08/10/27/netflix.streaming.to.macs/ The only down side is it’s using MS Silverlight, but it could be worse. Edit: Just to...