Tagged: Programming

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Daily List

If you check out the Mac PDP-8 emulator, you might like a reference page. Firefox 3.5 beta plugs Open Video Format.

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Daily List

Get started with JQuery. Interesting bit about mathematical precision in computing  (or how 0.9999…  = 1). Mom talked about this album game a while ago, here’s a write-up about it too.

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Daily List

Gaming: x-ray images of common gaming consoles. Coding: 4 benefits of Ruby on Rails.  I still have to play more with RoR, seems like a fun development experience.

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Daily List

Coding: 10 Sklils Developers will need. Tech: Check out Google’s Data Supercenter.

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Daily List

Coding: Another JQuery list. Mac: iPhone Software 3.0 coming next week? Mac: Adium to add Twitter integration  (their blog)! Web: Firefox 3.15 beta 3 is out. php: Contribute to wordpress.

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Daily List

Google Earth to add Seafloor Imagery. Rubick’s Sphere? Check out Stack Overflow podcast (especially you coders). 3d Moving Photos Screensaver.

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Daily List

Over a break I decided to implement a simple cypher that I’ve been thinking about recently.  Its’ not much, and certainly not perfect in its current implementation, but it’s sort of fun to play...

Daily List 0

Daily List

Google’s AJAX API Playground released. http://www.engadget.com/2009/01/23/verizon-hub-landline-slayer-officially-unveiled/ Free IP = Piracy = No Sales?  Monty Python says, no. How Zip Codes work. WoW starts the Lunar Festival tomorrow.  I’m mildly excited.  Thanks to Miyari at...

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Daily Listwe

50 useful php tools. http://www.engadget.com/2009/01/21/obama-sported-bulletproof-suit-for-inaugural-proceedings/ Apparently everything i/we know about CSS is wrong.  I somehow doubt that everything is wrong, but I’ll give him the benefit of the doubt.  And apparently everything he/she knows...