Daily List
Sometimes Darwin wins…sometimes he ties for second. Funny: Bacon-ize any website with bacolicio.us. Food: Pro tip: Dark chocolate M&M’s microwaved on high for 30 secs (or until the shells start cracking) are apparently super good...
So easy even your pants can do it
Sometimes Darwin wins…sometimes he ties for second. Funny: Bacon-ize any website with bacolicio.us. Food: Pro tip: Dark chocolate M&M’s microwaved on high for 30 secs (or until the shells start cracking) are apparently super good...
A brief overview of multi-factor authentication using the Blizzard Authenticator. Please read the full article here: http://www.mitgr81.com/2009/03/04/authenticator-actionauthenticator-action/
Environment: Green Dimes Mail Stopper is a service that will keep you from being junk mailed. $20/year and they plant 5 trees when you join up! Arden: Song for a Fifth Child. AJ mentioned...