2009-05-15’s Tweets
for #credos and #qp: lul im makin pasta lul # for #credos: just tied my shoe lace tighter…maybe too tight. # @wowinsider Super Simian Sphere if you haven’t done it yet. Too funny. #wow...
So easy even your pants can do it
for #credos and #qp: lul im makin pasta lul # for #credos: just tied my shoe lace tighter…maybe too tight. # @wowinsider Super Simian Sphere if you haven’t done it yet. Too funny. #wow...
@rjonasson Care to try some glovia? 😀 # sounds like the perfect time to try out the “new” wine glasses we got at our wedding. # Shhhh….don’t tell anyone but, sockfeet @ work FTW!...
testing my Evernote accout hooking @myEN. Great idea Evernote gurus! # http://bit.ly/CClO1 via @addthis O.o!!!! o.O!!!!!! ZOMZ!!!! # @lizardbeth & @rjonasson who knows if I’ll even be able to afford an iPhone. Maybe I...
Programming glovia is like cooking with boxing gloves on…and no stove…or food…underwater…………while somehow on fire. # I’d have this screen done a thousand times in pretty much any other language, even if I had...
@Lizardbeth O.o now I’m scarred…I used to like you. in reply to Lizardbeth # Getting prepped for Arden Weekly…hope to have it up by 10. Shouldn’t have started the shiraz quite yet though. #...
@lizardbeth but you know they will be until they’re not a “statement” thing…like when rest of the world starts caring about sustainability… # Finally got around to installing my copy of Win7RC1, gotta say,...
@grammargirl I guess I’ll have to consider if I’ll be shunned more for ‘champing’ or ‘chomping’ then. 😀 Thanks for the reply. # Powered by Twitter Tools.