Tagged: video

Daily List 0

Daily List

The Guuuiiiild oooooooooOOOOOOOOOoooooooo. Wii Netflix Streaming. ‘Traceback (most recent call last):\n  File “/opt/suite/suitepy/suitepy/users.py”, line 261, in _save_instances\n    _add_instance(user, instance)\n  File “/opt/suite/suitepy/suitepy/users.py”, line 246, in _add_instance\n    instance.handlers[type].add_user(user)\n  File “/opt/suite/extensions/sugar/sugar/connector.py”, line 103, in add_user\n    userid =...

Daily List 0

Daily List

Medicine: Heart to body, “You need me more than I need you.” Video: Search for Lukla airport on You Tube. Games: Sony’s take on 3D  motion capture. Cool presentation format. Fat man and circuit...

Daily List 0

Daily List

A few neat videos to start you off: FIFA Street 3 live action commercial. Slow Motion goodies.

Daily List 0

Daily List

Video: New version of VLC is out. Photography: Top 10 Photo mistakes. WoW:  My server is (in)famous! Photography: Filterless starbust Effect. Vista: Banned by Texas. Green: Wind power >> Demand?

Daily List 2

Daily List

For those of us without cable access but plenty of hyperwebs, check out the Presidential Inauguration streams. Local high school next to encounter the fearsome wrath of PETA. WebDev Usability Mistakes.

Daily List 2

Daily List

Again, Videos are not the norm, and this is far from “Daily List” news, but I think it’s worth mentioning.  From Saturday Night Live. Leathal iPhone app.  Now I need an iPhone to feed...

Daily List 0

Daily List

Boxee drobo hazel – MBW AppleOptionControl8 😀 iPhoto 09 Geotagging supporting devices. Going to have to play with HDR some time.  (and probably transition out of iPhoto library lockdown) Truth in Advertising Imaging. 😀...