Tagged: WoW Addons

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Daily List

The Guild Season 3 Episode 9. Curse Addon Manager v4 beta. WoW Pet Store.

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Daily List

Keep your Firefox plugins up to date. WoW: Gear Score addon. WoW: Cool gear IRL. Manage your tasks.

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Daily List

Medicine: Heart to body, “You need me more than I need you.” Video: Search for Lukla airport on You Tube. Games: Sony’s take on 3D  motion capture. Cool presentation format. Fat man and circuit...

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Daily List

WoW Addons: WoWUI Minion Beta. Toys: 6 toys in one All of them cool!  Thanks @rjonasson! Tech: Google Wave chat of the future. iPhone: Paint with it!  (great video) Games: Plants Vs Zombies.

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Daily List

Tech: Judge in the Pirate Bay trail was biased.  No matter what side of the TBP issue you fall on I’d hope you’ll admit that a copyright lobbiest might not be the best person...

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Daily List

Web: Google brings 3D to the intarwebs. WoW Addons: Writeup of Curse’s Addon updater.

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Daily List

WoW Addons: DK iRunes puts nice spit-shinage on your DK’s runes. Movies: CHeck your netflix stats: Food: 8 Worst Sandwiches. Tech: Unibody iPod? Programming: Code some Air!  Free book DL.