- sneaking suspicion that @arijem has been pulling carpet. Granted it was in a stupid, STUPID place (around terlit). #
- another fun url: vegastripping.com. Is it vegas tripping or vega stripping? 😀 (Former) #
- If I had time to blog tonight it would have been titled: "Wife to Bathroom Carpet: We need to start seeing other nonsense" #
- Muzak is so painful….maybe I can get employer to buy me a white (or pink) noise machine. I think my ears are bleed!!! #
- Firefox 3.5 arrives http://bit.ly/haven #dailylist #
- great…just cracked my soup bowl….now it's either earth-destroying styrofoam or cold soup. #
- …or @rjonasson's pumpkin bucket, I guess 😛 #
- It seriously sounds like the muzak is playing 4 unrelated songs on top of each other. #
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carpet it was!!!! bweeeee heee heeeeeeeeeeeeeee. how come so many identical June 30 posts? You were just really excited about the carpet…right? : )
Oops…something went wrong with Twitter Tools. Yes…excited.
That was so gross though….I’ll never install carpet in anything ever again.